Configuring crosstab tables for advanced data customers

Design for adding question data to a crosstab row or column

Configure your crosstab table

Role: Lead Product Designer for Analyze

Project: Crosstabs

Company: SurveyMonkey


The compare function in Analyze was limiting as it allows only a two-question comparison with one rule active at a time.

In contrast, crosstabs looks for statistical significance or relationships between multiple variables such as age, gender, employment status, and the variables these may influence such as health, purchases, or travel for example.


By focusing on advanced users building crosstab tables outside our product, I could define the full end to end user journey.

This resulted in a niche persona, Peter, a Market Insights Manager, who works in market research and applies his intellectual and analytical skills to deliver insights to his clients and stakeholders.

Persona for UX design for Analyze crosstab table

Peter, an Insights Manager, a persona for crosstabs

User Journey

Peter’s needs and goals were summarized into these themes of model, tasks and modes.

  • Agency model: Conducts projects end to end, exports the report, and packages and shares it with stakeholders

  • Templated task: Peter already does this in Excel with a pre-formatted template and has a pretty good idea up front how to assign data to the banners (columns) and stubs (rows)

  • Presentation mode: Once Peter is done exploring, he’ll move into presentation mode ie he’ll prepare the crosstab report to share with others

User journey for creating a crosstab table report

User journey from access in Analyze through the crosstab builder and into the reporting flow

User Testing & Interaction Design

The experience of building and configuring a crosstab table was my main focus along with scaling the reporting and publishing flow. I had just designed for our new Results Dashboards UX. Now it was just a matter of accommodating this as the next report type.

Key areas of design included:

  • Access points to discover crosstabs

  • Adding question data to a row or column

  • Editing the question-answer options

  • Re-ordering row and column elements

  • Swapping rows and columns

  • Viewing statistical significance within the table

  • Creating a crosstab report, publishing and sharing it with collaborators

  • Managing (editing, viewing, deleting, etc.) your crosstabs

I took these key design areas along with my assumptions into a round of user testing in order to gather feedback and evidence to inform subsequent and final designs using an iterative approach.

Design for edit questions to add some of all question data to your crosstab table
Add questions to our rows or columns
Re-order your rows and columns or swap rows with columns
Re-order or swap your row or column items
Customize your crosstab table report
Customize your crosstab table
Share your crosstab table report with a url link

Shared your reports via a web link

SurveyMonkey presentation results report listing page design
Manage your list of crosstab reports
Browse reports on your mobile device

Outcome & Impact

Crosstabs was monetized as a premiere enterprise feature.

The advanced analysis feature increased our retention and market share by achieving feature parity with competitors. And by scaling crosstabs into the new reporting experience, we enhanced virality through cross-sell moments which aligned well with SurveyMonkey’s freemium business model.


Survey Dashboard Reports


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